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I Stand with Planned Parenthood

I'm humbled to share that I have received the endorsement of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

I frequently write to you discussing the perilous state of reproductive freedom in this country. Week after week, there's a new outrage, a new draconian law passed to undercut reproductive freedom. Unconstitutional restrictions. The Trump administration's Title X Gag Rule. Attempts to close care providers.

Emboldened by Trump's activist and extreme Supreme Court appointments, Republicans believe they can overturn Roe v. Wade. Steadfast at the frontlines of the fight is Planned Parenthood. Their tireless commitment to "care, no matter what" is the saving grace for American families from all walks of life.

I'm proud to be endorsed by Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

It is an honor to be recognized by such an impactful organization and to continue working alongside them to defend reproductive rights.


Posted on February 25, 2020.