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my vote today

This week, the House Judiciary Committee filed a report, outlining the case for impeachment:

Based on the findings in this report, House Intelligence Committee evidence, prior statements, and existing precedent: I will be voting in favor of both articles of impeachment.

This isn't something I take lightly – it goes beyond policies or party. As a Member of Congress, it is my duty to defend our Constitution and preserve the longstanding principles of integrity and accountability. When I was sworn in, I promised to defend our country against its enemies, both foreign and domestic. So did President Trump. That's why this is such a sad day for our country: in attempting to use his office for personal gain, a sitting president has betrayed his oath of office.

No one is above the law. My decision to support impeachment is, and has always been, a decision of conscience and concern for the long-term impacts of unchecked executive power.

It is time for the U.S. Senate to do its constitutional duty and put the president on trial for these serious charges.


Posted on December 18, 2019.