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only 29%

Every day we are working to increase access to K-12 skills training, STEM and arts education, and the great colleges across Northwest Washington. But preparedness for these opportunities – and their careers – starts earlier than many folks realize.

Studies have shown that Pre-K education makes a lifelong difference in the outcomes of our kids: children that participate in enriching Pre-K education programs do better academically and have exponentially better career outcomes.

Unfortunately, only 29% of kids are enrolled in state-funded Pre-K, and thousands of kids are left on waitlists. We can change that: Congress is hearing legislation that would provide an additional $4 billion to Pre-K programs.

Sign our petition and urge Congress to expand funding for Pre-K education.

Our students are no longer just competing with the kids in the neighborhood, but students across the globe – let's set them up for success.


Posted on October 2, 2019.