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Our plan to take on Big Pharma for American Families

Ensuring access to high-quality, affordable health care is essential for Americans.

Throughout my time in Congress, I have advocated for better health services of veterans, Medicare beneficiaries, and our families.

Meanwhile, Big Pharma rakes in record profits, and millions of Americans struggle to afford their prescription medications. Often forced to choose between their medications and other essentials.

I am not stopping until every American can afford the care they need. Sign my petition and show your support for lower prescription drug costs.

We know the power of grassroots mobilization. From strengthening the Affordable Care Act to ensuring VA benefits include critical family planning options like IVF, to expanding health care access to 11 million young people, we have been hard at work.

We can accomplish this, too. Sign the petition and tell Congress: pass legislation to lower the cost of prescription drugs.

Congress is debating legislation that lowers prescription drug prices by allowing generic versions of prescription drugs to get onto the market sooner. This plan would allow families to get crucial medication while also reducing the federal deficit by almost $4 billion over 10 years.

Lifesaving drugs and preventative care drugs alike are inaccessible to many Americans simply because of the price tag. This is unacceptable.


Posted on July 10, 2019.