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100 Days

Today marks the first 100 days of the 116th Congress. A Congress that broke records in representation of women, race, and religion. A Congress that we fought hard to take back from the Republicans.

We opened this Congress with one of the longest government shutdowns in history. A shutdown that was an entirely avoidable political play by President Trump. We dealt with a self-serving, fully manufactured "National Emergency" called by Trump. We've seen the conclusion of the years-long Mueller Investigation, and begun our fight for robust disclosure to the American people.

But in all of that, we've also started making progress.

Our Democratically-controlled House of Representatives has proposed legislation to improve our communities:

I'm honored to be working for a better America among such hardworking and innovative colleagues — and I'm eager to see what we can achieve in the next 100 days.


Posted on April 13, 2019.