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Protect the ACA from Trump's Attacks

Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans are still trying to take Americans' health care away and go back to the time when big insurance companies called all the shots.

Trump and his Justice Department are still moving to strike down the Affordable Care Act in its entirety. This move is all about the money, and maximizing insurance industry profits by denying care to the sick and vulnerable.

Sign the petition: Stop attacking the sick and vulnerable, Trump. Leave the ACA in place.

The immediate impact would be devastating:
As many as 21 million Americans would lose their health insurance coverage; Up to 109 million Americans would be hit with coverage caps, after which their insurance won't pay for treatment; * 133 million Americans with pre-existing conditions would potentially be disqualified from getting insurance at all.

The long-run effects? Dangerous. Corrupt. Cruel. The Trump administration has no plan to care for the people whose lives they're gambling with.


Posted on April 8, 2019.