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We couldn't have done it without you

Thank you for knocking on doors, making phone calls, volunteering your time, and supporting our grassroots campaign. Most importantly, thank you for voting in yesterday's primary.

This year's election is not just a good opportunity to pick up a few seats. It is a critical task to gain control of the levers of power that have been used by one party to divide us and benefit those at the top.

We still need your help to win in November and build an economy that works for us and creates jobs here at home. We need your help to protect our wildlife, lands, and waters that make the Pacific Northwest unique.

We need to help our communities address the pain of opioid addiction. We need to make access to health care better for seniors, for families, and for veterans. And we need to make sure that our government works for everyone by ending dark money in our elections that benefit the special interests over working families.

We can accomplish all of those and more. But first, we have to win in November.

Your support brings us one step closer.

Thank you,


Posted on August 8, 2018.