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Don't lose hope. Vote!

This week, Justice Kennedy, a moderate voice on the Supreme Court, announced his retirement. While the majority of Americans are anxious about an uncertain future, Donald Trump and Republican leaders in Congress are rushing to fill Kennedy's seat with a right-leaning jurist.

Now more than ever, we need strong leaders in Congress who stand up to this administration's fear-based, regressive agenda.

Even with Justice Kennedy on the bench, the Court has already chipped away at voting rights, women's rights, workers' rights, and religious freedom. Now it's up to all of us to get out the vote and support candidates who will protect our constitutional rights.

In just the past week, the Supreme Court has:

With an unpredictable president in the White House and a right-leaning Supreme Court, our best path forward is electing a Democratic-majority in Congress.

Don't lose hope. Volunteer. Knock on doors. Make phone calls. Get involved.

Our future depends on it.


Posted on June 29, 2018.