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Sign the Petition: protect women's health

The Trump administration's proposed gag rule would prevent doctors and nurses at some clinics from talking with their patients about abortion options – even in cases of rape and incest. Telling health care providers what they can and cannot say in the privacy of an examination room is quite simply an assault on medical ethics.

Join me in standing up for safe and fully informed health care. Sign the petition to stop the gag rule.

Health care clinics are in short supply. The gag rule would create further barriers for poor patients who rely on Title X funding. Clinics like Planned Parenthood are the target here.

The Trump administration has made no secret of their goal to defund Planned Parenthood. The gag rule is an intrusion into how they care for their patients.

Sign the petition to ensure that women of all income levels get the health care they need.


Posted on June 24, 2018.