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Our servicemembers and veterans deserve better:

The Washington Post reports that Donald Trump wants to stage a grand military parade in the streets of our nation's capital.

I guess he feels like he didn't get enough out of his sparsely-attended inauguration parade?

A military parade is a complete waste of time and money. And it's eerily reminiscent of what you see in dictatorships like North Korea.

Trump isn't wrong that our men and women in uniform should be celebrated. He's just wrong about what it should mean.

Our servicemembers and veterans don't need another flashy parade. They need to know that our country will be there for them start to finish – during their tours of duty and long after they've come home. That means well-paying jobs here at home. Health care support throughout their lives. And the confidence that their President understands their commitment and the sacrifices they make for our country.

Join me on Facebook – let me know what you think about Donald Trump's parade idea, and what you think our veterans and servicemembers really need.


Posted on February 8, 2018.