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We need Manka Dhingra - volunteer for her campaign!

Election Day is next Tuesday and there is one race that we all have our eyes on.

Manka Dhingra is running for state Senator in the 45th District – and if she wins, Washington will finally have a Democratic majority in the Senate. Will you volunteer for Dhingra’s campaign to help get out the vote?

Dhingra is the Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney with the King County Prosecuting Attorney's Office. She’s an anti-domestic violence activist, and a supervisor for both the Mental Health and Veterans courts. Dhingra will promote equity, justice, and inclusion in our state Legislature.

Electing Dhingra is a chance for progress in Washington. You can volunteer with her campaign – making calls and knocking on doors to talk to voters. Volunteer here!


Posted on November 2, 2017.