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One Week Ago

by Rick Larsen

Friends –

I know many of you are feeling disappointed and dispirited from the election. It still hurts that a week ago, Donald Trump became our President-elect.

Trump’s rhetoric has left some of our friends and neighbors scared. Scared that their families may be separated. Scared that our progress as a nation may be impeded. Scared that they may no longer have a place in this great country.

I hear that anxiety and fear.

I will stand up and fight hateful rhetoric, decisions and actions from President-elect Trump. That starts today. I have strong differences with the incoming administration. But I am committed to working together where I can, and resisting where I must.

The state of our country calls me to action. We must start today. We must start the work of building coalitions to be prepared for the next fight. Please stand with me today as our work is clearly not done.


Posted on November 16, 2016.