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Looking Forward

by Rick Larsen

Thank you for your vote of support last November. It is my privilege to serve as your Member of Congress. I'm eager to kick off 2015 by helping to create jobs and opportunity for people in Northwest Washington. The best way I know how to accomplish these goals is to invest in our roads, bridges, highways and transit systems. That will be my top priority for my next two years in Congress.

As the only Member from Washington state on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I’ll be pushing the interests of the Pacific Northwest as we work to reauthorize a Surface Transportation Bill and Federal Aviation Bill this Congress. You’ll be hearing a lot from me on these issues because they mean jobs back home. I’ll be pushing important programs like TIGER Grants that enable our small cities to better compete for federal grant dollars, bridge safety issues, rail safety, and investing in trails for walkers and bikers.

I plan to work on trade initiatives that will help businesses export their products overseas. I will continue my work protecting Washington’s environment. And I will keep fighting to break down barriers that stop people from exercising their fundamental right to vote and that erode our elections with special interest money.

Thank you again for your support. It is a privilege to serve the people of the Second District. Together we can keep our region strong.

Posted on January 15, 2015.