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NEW Web Video: Koster's Plan to Privatize Social Security

Video Source: Whidbey Island Repulican Luncheon on 2/16/2010 at Useless Bay Country Club.

Quote: Politifact says: "Personal accounts" = "Privatization"

Source: Politifact.com story 'Privatization' gets 'personal':

It was around this time that Bush and his party decided that most people didn't like the idea of "privatizing" Social Security. Pollsters found that if you didn't call Bush's plan "privatization" but instead called it "personal accounts," you could increase support for the plan significantly — even though it was the same plan.

So Bush and his supporters stopped referring to the plan as privatization and started calling it "personal accounts."

Quote: "Republicans once spoke more openly of privatization bur realized people didn't like to hear that. Now they talk of 'personal accounts.' It's the same thing."

Source: AP Story Fact Check: McCain and Social Security.

Posted on September 20, 2010.